Instant Pot Chicken Tortellini
Instant Pot

Instant Pot Chicken Tortellini

Chicken Tortellini in the Instant Pot

One of our favorite recipes as a family is Chicken Tortellini. It is a quick and easy meal that I can throw together at a moment’s notice, within 5 minutes. The great thing about this chicken tortellini meal is that I use my Instant Pot to make it, and as a result, it really is effortless, quick and ideal for those nights where I am so tired that I can barely stand up straight. This meal is also a favorite with my kids, and as a result, a hit in our house. I could make this every day of the week, and nobody would complain!

How to make this Chicken Tortellini in the Instant Pot without spending a fortune:

The one way that I find I can save money on the Chicken Tortellini meal, is to cook it in the Instant Pot. The water you add adds volume to the meal and makes it more. Not only that, but if you are frugal, and buy the No Name Brand products from a place like Superstore, then you end up saving. A No Name Brand product can often be up to $2 or $3 cheaper than a brand name product.

With the Tortellini, I will buy a 500g pack of Tortellini and only use half, and freeze the other half for another meal, another day. By using chicken breasts, you can also save and shred the chicken breasts, which means you can use less chicken breasts, and still have the family eat the chicken.

How I make The Chicken Tortellini in the Instant Pot

The first thing I do to cook the chicken tortellini in the Instant pot is to gather all the ingredients. These are a can of pasta sauce, a can of diced tomato, two chicken breasts, cheese tortellini and water. I also get some whipping cream which I will add to the chicken tortellini later when it’s done cooking. Whipping cream is not something that gets put into an Instant pot, no matter what the recipe is, as the cream thickens and will cause a burn notice.

To make the chicken tortellini, I add the pasta sauce, diced tomato and 3 cups of water to the Instant Pot. I then add the chicken in, and on top of that, the tortellini. The next thing is to switch on the Instant Pot, and let the chicken tortellini cook on pressure. Once that is done, I take out the chicken breasts and shred it up, and then add it back into the chicken tortellini dish inside the Instant Pot. The last thing is to add the whipping cream and mix it.

This chicken tortellini dish is great in that you can add veggies to the dish. I have added some peas into the Instant Pot to cook as part of the chicken tortellini dish. It works with some veggies! The last thing is to dish it up, and add mozarella cheese on top and serve it with a salad!

Some great ideas to eat with the chicken tortellini is a green salad, a fruit salad or veggies on the side, if you don’t want to add peas into the Instant pot while you’re cooking it. Garlic bread is a great addition to the chicken tortellini dish, as is a ceasar salad or roasted vegetables if you don’t want to cook vegetables.

Health Benefits:

  1. High Protein: Chicken is an excellent source of lean protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.
  2. Nutrient-Rich: Spinach is packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron, promoting overall health and wellbeing.
  3. Balanced Meal: With a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables, this dish provides a well-rounded meal that can support a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Low Calorie: By using lean chicken breast and incorporating plenty of vegetables, this recipe is relatively low in calories, making it a suitable option for those watching their calorie intake.

The Instant Pot Chicken Tortellini is not only a delicious and convenient meal option but also a nutritious choice that can satisfy your cravings while supporting your health goals. With its simple preparation and wholesome ingredients, it’s sure to become a favorite in your meal rotation. Pair it with your favorite sides and enjoy a satisfying dinner any night of the week!

Instant Pot Chicken Tortellini Recipe:


  • 1 Can / jar of pasta sauce (680 ml)
  • 1 Can / jar of diced tomatoes (540 ml)
  • 3 Cups of water (750ml)
  • Cheese tortellini
  • 1/2 Cup whipping cream
  • 2 Chicken breasts
  • 500ml Mozarella cheese


  • Add the pasta sauce, diced tomatoes and 3 cups of water to the Instant Pot
  • Add the chicken and on top, the cheese tortellini
  • Close the lid, seal the vent and pressure cook for 10 minutes
  • When the Instant Pot is done, manual release the pressure
  • Stir in the whipping cream
  • Serve with Mozarella cheese on top

Original Recipe found on this Youtube channel1

  1. See Mindy Mom ↩︎

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