Terms and Conditions

Simply stated, I will not be held liable for the following:

  • Developing illness after making and consuming one of the recipes on my website
  • Purchasing any of the advertised products on my website through affiliate links
  • Any content, services and products that is not a part of my website, that you have clicked on through affiliate links or Google Adsense
  • Any food purchased to make the recipes on my website
  • Any allergic reactions or other medical conditions developing after using the recipes on my website.
  • Any choking on food through recipes made on my website
  • Any incorrect information that could lead to the damage of your product
  • Any products that you have or may obtain that do not work as a result of making the recipes on my website
  • Any Christian content that you do not agree with in your view or that you may deem discriminatory. By reading the Christian content on this website, including devotions and other, you agree to agree. If your view is not in line with a Biblical Worldview and Scriptural principals as set out in the Bible, and you are reading the devotions, you are agreeing to agree and not argue against my worldview and faith.
  • I will not be held liable for decisions that people make based on the content found on my site. If it results in a change of faith, a recipe that is adjusted or products bought, it is your responsibility and yours only for the decisions you make after what you find on my website.
  • I will not be held liable for the hacking of my website if names and email addresses gets stolen. I do my best to protect these, but we do live with online safety breaches from time to time. You agree by signing up for my newsletter, that you will not hold me liable for your name and email address getting stolen, should that happen.
  • Any enquiries can be made through the contact page on my website