Scriptures of Comfort

Scriptures of Comfort

When the storms come, we can turn to Scriptures of comfort

When tough times hit, we can often feel lost. Often, we don’t know where to run to. The Scriptures is not new to this and offers comfort through many Scriptures of comfort that provides relief.

The Psalms especially is filled with anxious, soul wrenching matters where tough times are explained. These were not pleasant circumstances. From fleeing for life, to enemies crushing you, poverty, death and the world crumbling down around you, there are Scriptures of comfort to dig into through tough times.

Many of these Scriptures of comfort provide God’s promises and words of comfort. Promises are there for us to lean upon in tough times. Soaking into these Scriptures through pouring over them, reading them with attention and focussing on the words can give answers to what God has to say about our situation. Sometimes, a verse or particular sentence will just resonate or “pop off the page”. It can get highlighted or enlarged in our minds and suddenly we take notice of it. That is God, speaking His words of comfort into your situation.

Scriptures of comfort can also be promises God has made to us through the method above or a different method that we can go back and look at again and again. These carry us through hard times, knowing that we have the promises of God to stand upon when the going gets tough.

So take this challenge to spend time in God’s word. Dig those promises out. They’re not just in the Psalms but other books of the Bible too. Highlight them. Read them often. Claim them. We can claim the promises of God. The ones that He has given us. Stand upon those Scriptures of comfort. When the waves and storms come, they will provide a strong foundation to stand upon so that you won’t fall. God’s word is important. It is a lifeline and you need to know it, search it and investigate it to stand firm through the storms. 

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