Stories About Waiting On God: The Toughest Thing Ever
Waiting on God is never easy. It is great when you can listen to stories about other people who have had to practice the waiting on God in tough periods of their lives. The waiting season could be a tough season, or an easy one. Most often, it’s the tough one. You spend your days wishing that God would say something to make the waiting easier, or just take the waiting away all together. But that does not happen and the waiting continues. Many times, it is soul anguishing waiting, not knowing what is going to happen, but knowing that you need to trust.
Trust is part of the waiting on God. It is in these seasons where we are waiting on God where God reaches down to us and strengthens our faith. He will often give promises in Scripture during seasons of waiting, especially when we cry out to Him in anguish. His Word is there to build us up as we wait. Isiah 30:15 speaks about repenting before God and then finding strength in the quiet as we wait upon God. The season of waiting on God is a time where God strengthens us spiritually, builds into our lives and grows us in our trust and faith. It is not a season to bypass and try to do our own thing, but it’s an important season to stick out and learn what there is for God to impart to us.
We can find encouragement in stories about waiting on God from others. One such story is a lady, I will call her Andrea, who was waiting on God to give her a husband. She had been crying out to God for ten years to give her a husband while she watched all her friends get married. During this time, she decided to grow closer to God. She dove into the Scriptures, especially the Psalms. God gave her many promises about having a husband for her, and that she just needed to wait as she trusted Him. Eventually she was at the point of being so content in Christ, that she was no longer yearning for this. It is at this point that God provided a husband for her. During her time of waiting, she employed it wisely, looking for God and following Him regardless of what everyone else thought. God ended up being faithful to His promises He made to her, and she ended up learning to get to know God on a level that is much deeper than a daily quiet time. God proved to be her best friend during the waiting period.
Another story of waiting on God is of a couple who found out that the wife was very ill, in fact, she was going to die. During the season of waiting, she grew so much closer to God, and God provided the resources for her to found a way to be healed. Today she is a consultant helping other people who struggle with the same illness get better. God used her story of waiting on Him to show His power through her illness.
The point I’m trying to make about waiting on God is that people have different stories, but what we need to remember is that He is faithful. It is during the waiting season that He grows us closer to Him, if we let Him. If we draw close to Him, He is faithful to grow us, mold us and shape us into whom He created us to be, and He will ultimately be glorified through the waiting.
People have different stories of waiting on God. Some end in dying and being with Jesus, but others end in God being glorified. My challenge to you is to let God mold you through the season of waiting. Let Him work in your life to draw you closer to Him. Grow to know Him. Dig into the Scriptures. Spend your time of waiting in His Word. Be receptive to what He has for you. I promise you, the waiting isn’t easy, but it is life changing!
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